
Product Leadership: Build Connection Sep 01, 2021

Toxic leadership.  Toxic colleagues.  It is the elephant in the room of product management.  I speak to product managers every day who are struggling with not being seen, feeling undervalued, and having no voice.

It does not need to be that way

I challenge you to...

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The Damn Inner Critic Sep 01, 2021

Do you know the voice? That inner voice that tells you that you are going to fail?  The one that ways you will be stuck as a product manager forever.

It’s the one in your head replaying that awkward conversation with senior leaders and spotlighting the confused/frustrated faces at...

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Be a positive product leader Sep 01, 2021

To be a product leader, you have to be positive.  You cannot be Debbie Downer when you walk into meetings or have check-ins with critical stakeholders.  We know what Debbie Downer’s do to the mood of a planning meeting or strategy session. When they walk in, the mood instantly...

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Recognition is not a nice to have, it's a must-have. Sep 01, 2021

We have entered August and the toll of the global pandemic continues to wear on employees, many of whom are still working from home.

A survey by SHRM conducted during the pandemic found 41% of United States employees feel burnt out from work.The survey found employees are struggling with...

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Managing Stress Sep 01, 2021

We are all walking on eggshells. I can feel the tension in myself, and in my colleagues and family. The COVID-19 pandemic is on everyone's minds. It is becoming difficult to focus with constant uncertainty and a rapidly evolving news cycle.

When we are in this anxious, stressed mode,...

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Gratitude The Ultimate Healer Sep 01, 2021

Take a deep breath; the last few months have not been easy.

As uncertainty continues in our daily lives, many are overcome with fear and anxiety, shifting to anger and stress, and then back again. The stress we are all feeling is normal and necessary during challenging times. Stress...

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It's Time to Listen Sep 01, 2021

The authentic, human-centered leaders are starting to emerge from the chaos and uncertainty of the last few months. The ones who are pausing to evaluate the systemic racism in their organization. The ones who are giving flexibility to employees who are managing at-home work with children, with...

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We are all doing our best Sep 01, 2021

As product managers leaders, we are being tested in new ways. The importance of empathy has never been greater. And clarity. And communication. And transparency. And encouragement. And recognition. And vulnerability. And connection….

Whew the list goes on.

What can you do, as a product...

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The Stress Is Real: 6 Ways for Product Leaders to Care for Their Employees and Teams Sep 01, 2021


The days seem to be blend together. I wake up unsure if it's Tuesday or Saturday. Between worrying about our health, the health of our families, the economy, plus the usual work stress, we’re all craving a bit of normalcy. Many organizations are in the middle of a battle for...

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Just Breathe. Sep 01, 2021

We are all walking on eggshells. I can feel the tension in myself, and in my colleagues and family. The COVID-19 pandemic is on everyone's minds. It is becoming difficult to focus with constant uncertainty and a rapidly evolving news cycle.

When we are in this anxious, stressed mode,...

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