Recognition is not a nice to have, it's a must-have.

Recognition is not a nice to have, it's a must-have.

Published on: 01/09/2021

We have entered August and the toll of the global pandemic continues to wear on employees, many of whom are still working from home.

Be a positive product leader

Be a positive product leader

Published on: 01/09/2021

To be a product leader, you have to be positive.  You cannot be Debbie Downer when you walk into meetings or have check-ins with critical stakeholders.  We know what Debbie Downer’s do to the mood of a planning meeting or strategy session. When they walk in, the mood instantly become

Product ManagementCourageGratitude
When stress hits the product mgr

When stress hits the product mgr

Published on: 01/09/2021

I talk to product managers every single day who are managing anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.  Before you can focus on getting unstuck at work and moving-up the career ladder, we need to help manage the stress and anxiety.

You are enough. The myth of perfectionism

You are enough. The myth of perfectionism

Published on: 01/09/2021

When you try to be perfect, you enter a race you cannot win You can’t even complete the race There is no finishing line The finishing line keeps moving Here is the truth: the way you feel about everything is down to the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself


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